Maharashtra government has announced to split the state into three zones for the next 17 days as coronavirus lockdown extended 2 weeks. CM Uddhav Thackeray today said that as the lockdown extended which is all likely, the Maharashtra Government will adopt three zonal protocol & will split the state into three zones according to Covid19 cases. as lockdown 2.0 nears its end, the Union Ministry of Health has identified 130 districts classified as red zones, 284 as orange zones, and 319 as green zones across the country based on the density of new cases of coronavirus, double infection rate, the scope of testing and surveillance.
Maharashtra has 14 red zones, 16 orange zones, and 6 green zones. With over 10,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus, Maharashtra has the highest number of Covid-19 cases among the Indian and UT states. The final figure includes 1,773 recoveries and 459 victims, also the highest in India. Metropolitan cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Pune, Bengaluru, and Ahmedabad have been designated as red zones in the new classification.
A district will only be considered a green zone if it has not reported confirmed cases of Covid-19 or new cases of infection in the last 21 days. The central government, on the one hand, appears to extend the shutdown until May 3, on the other hand, the relaxation will be given after April 20 to selective districts and areas, according to sources. Interactive prime ministers from all states, Prime Minister Modi, laid out the roadmap for the next few days after April 14, as all states consent to the Lockdown extension in a videoconference with PM Modi.
Maharasthra's Prime Minister Uddhav Thackeray said: 'I want people not to be scared by Covid-19. It's just about starting treatment on time. From babies a few days old to 83-year-olds, they have recovered and gone home. People with fans have also recovered well
Maharashtra Red Zone State
Maharashtra Orange Zone States
Maharashtra Green Zone States
Read Also: Lockdown extended till 17 May