With Bhai Dooj, the five-day Diwali celebration has come to an end. The Hindu holiday of Bhaiya Dooj is passionately celebrated by all brothers and sisters. It is observed during the Shukla Paksha's Amavasya in the month of Kartik. Bhaiya Dooj 2022 history, date, time, significance & more details have been given here.
There are two different accounts associated with the History & Significance of the auspicious day.
After defeating the demon King Narakasura, Lord Krishna went to see his sister Subhadra, who welcomed him with flowers and sweets. She gave Krishna a tender forehead kiss and a dry coconut, which is a symbol of luck. The following year, Bhai Dooj was observed.
The Death God In the past, Yama visited his sister Yamuna. She fed her brother Yama special foods that she had made herself and applied a tilak on him. They ate dinner together, talked, and exchanged gifts because they hadn't seen each other in a long.
Yamraj got this amount of love and admiration from his sister and asked her for a blessing. In response, Yamuna requested that Yamraj, the deity of death, would not be feared by any sisters who conduct the rites of the tilak and other festivities, as well as that her brother would pay her a visit every year.
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Yamraj blessed his sister and fulfilled her wish after hearing her kind wishes, and he also said that whoever conducts the tilak ceremony on this day will have a long and wealthy life. Bhai Dooj is honored for this reason.
Bhai Dooj will be observed in India on Wednesday, October 26, 2022, according to the Drik Panchang. The Dwitiya tithi starts at 2:42 PM on October 26, 2022, and it ends at 12:45 PM on October 27, 2022, the next day.