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Memes trolling Crude Oil prices after dumping below Zero for the first time - See Latest
By Rohit Sindhu, Updated : Jun 16, 2020 07:23 IST
Memes trolling Crude Oil prices after dumping below Zero for the first time

US crude oil futures fall below $0 for the first time in history and this brought flood of memes on social media. The Crude Oil price on the futures contract for WTI crude fell minus $37 a barrel as future contract is to expire on Tuesday. On Social Media memes started trolling Crude Oil prices which really was unprecedented to fell below zero. Being an unprecedented, on Monday for the first time in history Crude oil prices fell negative in figures.

Due to Coronavirus pandemic on one hand US is losing thousands of daily lives and on other Markets collapsed after Crude oil prices plunged to -37.63 per barrel.

Memes on Crude Oil Prices

Memes started gripping over U.S. oil trading as it collapsed unprecedented. The price on the futures contract for West Texas crude (WTC) that is due to expire on Tuesday fell negative to minus $37.63 a barrel. Due to sharp decline, sellers were started paying buyers to take the Crude Oil stuff off their hands.

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Due to lockdowns across countries, the demand of Oil has reduced significantly in last one month. Global economies are tumbling down as billions of people are forced to live in their houses. US has come out as most affected country due to Coronavirus where thousands of deaths and millions of dollars wiping out daily.

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