The legendary and versatile actor Pankaj Tripathi has shared his first look as Atal Bihari Vajpayee from his next upcoming project as 'Main Atal Hoon' on the former late Prime Minister's birth anniversary on Christmas 25th December 2022.
The makers of the film have dropped the first look of Pankaj Tripathi as Atal Bihari Vajpayee to celebrate his 98th birth anniversary. The actor has shared a set of photos of his look as Vajpayee and noted various aspects of his charismatic personality as the Prime Minister, statesman, gentleman, and poet. Read all about Main Atal Hoon release date, poster, first Look, biopic, budget, crew, star cast & more details below:
#ShriAtalBihariVajpayee जी के व्यक्तित्व को पर्दे पर साकार करने के लिए मुझे संयम से मेरे व्यक्तिमत्व पर काम करना जरूरी है, यह मैं जानता हूँ। स्फूर्ति और मनोबल के आधार से मैं नई भूमिका को न्याय दे सकूंगा यह अटल विश्वास मुझे है। #MainAtalHoon सिनेमाघरों में, दिसंबर २०२३।
— पंकज त्रिपाठी (@TripathiiPankaj) December 25, 2022
Ace actor Pankaj Tripathi, best known for his method roles in films and on television, will be playing the role of the late Vajpayee in the film. “The game of power will go on, the governments will come and go, parties will form and collapse, but the nation should always remain there’’- the famous statement once released by Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Main Atal Hoon- A biopic of India’s most loved Prime Minister stars versatile actor Pankaj Tripathi. Vinod Bhanushali, Sandeep Singh, Vishal Gurnani, and Kamlesh Bhanushali, with Juhi Parekh Mehta, Zeeshan Ahamad, and Shivv Sharma have teamed up to take the responsibility for this film as a producer.
The music of the film is by Salim Sulaiman, and the lyrics are by Sameer. The montage uploaded by Tripathi, and others have Sonu Nigam’s voice in the background. Considering Main Atal Hoon budget, the film is estimated to be formed on Rs 40 Crores nett.
Considering Main Atal Hoon trailer it's not yet been released by the makers of the film. In a tweet, Pankaj Tripathi described his journey by saying “I know that I must work on my personality with austerity to make Atal Ji’s personality come true on screen. I have firm faith that I will be able to do justice to my new role with enthusiasm and morale.” “Got an opportunity to portray this unique personality on screen. I am emotional, I am great.”
“मैं हमेशा से ही इरादे लेकर आया हूं, वादे लेकर नहीं।” – श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी
— Sandeep Singh (@thisissandeeps) December 25, 2022
A Man of many visions! Presenting @TripathiiPankaj in #MainATALHoon. In cinemas December 2023! @meranamravi @vinodbhanu @thisissandeeps @directorsamkhan
The film is scheduled for release in December 2023, most probably on the former PM’s 99th birth anniversary, December 25, 2023.