Kannada film ‘Kantara’, one of the blockbusters movies, starring Rishab Shetty in the lead role is all set to release on the OTT Platform. The film is also directed by Rishab Shetty said that people from all corners of the country have showered so much love on the film, so he is extremely excited to make his work wider to an audience worldwide.
After the announcement made by the Actor cum director of 'Kantara', the fans have gone into frenzy mode and eagerly waiting to be released on the OTT platform, audiences can watch this in Kannada, Telegu, Malayalam, and Tamil. Therefore, all the tensions, excitement, and suspense come to an end today as fans are waiting to watch the movie on OTT.
The film revolves around a small community living in Kaadubettu situated in the woodlands of the Southern coastal region of Karnataka. Weaving an engaging narrative where death leads to a war between evil forces and villagers, then a rebel Shiva played by Rishab Shetty defends the nature of his village. It is a tale that has universal appeal; however, the plot’s local favor would keep the audiences intrigued till the climax.
'Kantara' got released on 30th September 2022 at the Box Office and received appreciation from the critics for the cast performances and storyline. The movie was a big commercial hit and emerged as the second highest-grossing Kannada film this year. The movies crossed the INR 400 Crore mark worldwide and made history in the Kannada film industry.
After continuing its journey for 50 days at the theatre, the makers of the movie finally decided to release it on the OTT platform. The film is made on a modest budget of INR 16 crores, unexpectedly setting a worldwide record of more than Rs 400 Crores.
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Kantara’s actor cum director Rishab Shetty has decided to step on at OTT platform in association with Amazon Prime Video, on 24th November 2022. Putting an end to all the wait Kantara will be on Prime for fans from every corner of the country in Tamil, Malayalam, Telegu, and Kannada languages.
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Vijay Kiragandur of Hombale Films bankrolls the movie and said he and the whole cast of the movie have worked hard to create a beautiful film with a unique tale and are delighted to showcase it globally with an exclusive launch at the OTT Platform, Amazon Prime Video.