Vikrant Rona finished its prolonged first weekend with approximately more than ₹50 crores in box office revenue. The action-adventure thriller starring Kiccha Sudeep had a strong opening last week but saw a significant decline on day two. Although there was some growth over the weekend after a weak Friday, it didn't really matter much because finally, the firm crumbled on Monday, destroying any hopes that could have existed.
The following days saw a significant decline in business, and on Thursday, it was less than half what it had been on Monday. There are no surprises here because this has recently been a pattern in many films from the South. Vikrant Rona box office collection day 10 report is here.
Day | Date | India Net |
Day 1 [1st Thu] | July 28 | ₹19.4 Cr |
Day 2 [1st Fri] | July 29 | ₹8.28 Cr |
Day 3 [1st Sat] | July 30 | ₹11.47 Cr |
Day 4 [1st Sun] | July 31 | ₹14.55 Cr |
Day 5 [1st Mon] | Aug 01 | ₹4.00 Cr |
Day 6 [1st Tue] | Aug 02 | ₹2.88 Cr |
Day 7 [1st Wed] | Aug 03 | ₹2.19 Cr |
Day 8 [2nd Thu] | Aug 04 | ₹1.68 Cr |
Day 9 [2nd Fri] | Aug 05 | ₹1.22 Cr |
Day 10 [2nd Sat] | Aug 06 | ₹2.50 Cr (may earn) |
Overseas Total | ₹5.5 Cr | |
Total | ₹73.67 (approx) |
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The film has no significant competition in its second week, so the weekend might experience some rise. However, this won't impact the outcome of the movie, as the ultimate revenue is anticipated to be in the range of ₹78–80 crores. The Telugu version of the movie, which made approximately ₹8.5 crores in 10 days, is the sole shining example.