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India ready to supply Hydroxychloroquine to all neighbouring countries & nations in need, Sources - See Latest
By Rohit Sindhu, Updated : Apr 30, 2020 18:57 IST
India ready to supply Hydroxychloroquine to all neighbouring countries & nations in need, Sources

Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India has decided to supply Hydroxychloroquine and Paracetamol to all neighbouring countries and other nations most affected by Covid19, as humanitarian assistance during pandemic. On Tuesday GoI took the decision to supply essential drugs to some nations who have been particularly affected by the pandemic including USA, Italy, Spain, Israel & others. Further Government stated that in view of humanitarian aspect India is ready to supply essential drugs including Hydroxychloroquine and Paracetamol to all neighbouring countries including Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, China and Nepal.

After the request of US President Donald Trump to PM Modi, on Tuesday GoI has announced to lift ban and supply of Hydroxychloroquine to USA where thousands of people dying currently as per John Hopkins University report. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on US President's call assured that in this situation India is ready to help US in extensive telephone conversation held on Sunday between PM Modi and President Trump.

India to supply Hydroxychloroquine to Neighbouring countries

Ministry of External Affairs on Tuesday brought into highlight the decision of Government of India over supply of essential drugs. MEA stated that 'India would license Paracetamol and Hydroxychloroquine in appropriate quantity to Neighbouring countries who are dependent on our capabilities'.

Successive to releasing Anti malarial drug Hydroxychloroquine to US, Government of India on April 7, also decided to extend humanitarian assistance to all neighbouring countries by offering appropriate amount of required drugs including Hydroxychloroquine.

Earlier in last week of March India is reportedly put hold on export of all essential drugs including Paracetamol and Hydroxychloroquine. On Tuesday Government revising it’s order lift the ban and as an emergency plea, decided to supply as per order of USA. Through Video Conferencing with SAARC countries, PM Modi assured to other leaders to work together at all possible levels to tackle the crises and taking initiative Indian Government created Covid19 Fund.

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MEA on Hydroxychloroquine-

India has provided 2.8 million HCQ tablets and 1.9 million Paracetamol tablets as part of assistance. India also provided HCQ and Paracetamol tablets on a commercial basis to 87 countries, said Ministry of External Affairs.

Government has decided just announced that India is ready to license the said drugs to all neighbouring countries in appropriate amount. Stating in its notice Government of India highlighted that some nations who have adversely affected due to COVID19 pandemic, India is ready to supply these essential drugs. Addition to the same it is also said GoI would discourage any speculation in this regard or any attempt to politicise the matter.

A lot of requests were already there. Several countries have made request to this particular item and taking into view our domestic necessities and keeping a sufficient buffer of our own requirements, Covid19 Coordinator said.

Hydroxychloroquine a Sanjeevani drug

Hydroxychloroquine is an anti malarial drug and has been recommended as preliminary by ICMR for medical staff who are treating Coronavirus positive cases. Several countries including USA has requested India which is larger producer of this drug, to fulfil their order of supply. As Indian Government has taken the decision the drug can be licensed to Neighbouring countries who are dependent of Indian medicines.

India supplies Hydroxychloroquine to Sri Lanka as Gift

India to supply Hydroxychloroquine to Neighbouring countries

Latest- India sends gift of Sri Lanka via special Chartered Flight carrying Indian Medicines- Hydroxychloroquine and Paracetamol. Earlier in the day Indian Government approved the licence to Neighbouring countries of supply of Hydroxychloroquine an anti malarial Drug. Tapping up as 'A gift from the people and Government of India to the People and Government of Sri Lanka in this hour of need. Tons of medicines supplied to Sri Lanka on Tuesday via special Chartered Flight.

In recent India has named 13 countries list for Hydroxychloroquine. In consignments the HCQ tablets are being supplied to these countries.

Foreign Countries on Indian decision on Hydroxychloroquine

United States of America has received its first consignment of HCQs and other essential medic drugs. Likely another consignment would be dispatched soon, hinted authorities.

Nepal extended request for Indian Medicine-

Nepal Government has also extended its request for the essential medicine required during pandemic. Government of India likely to send tons of Medicines as Gift to Napalese Government from People and Government of India.

Israili PM thanked India for HCQ

Israel thanked Indian Government for the supply of Hydroxychloroquine. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday thanked Indian Prime Minister Modi for supply support of Hydroxychloroquine in this pandemic crises. After Brazil, USA, Sri Lanka and Nepal Israil became next in line to receive HCQ contamination.

More than 30 countries have ordered to Indian Government and Indian Pharmaceutical companies to supply essential Medicines including Hydroxychloroquine.

Maldives Foreign Minister thanked Indian Government

Maldives Foreign Minister Abdullah Shahid on Friday thanked Indian Government for approval of Hydroxychloroquine to Maldives. Foreign Minister said 'A friend in need is truly a friend indeed'.

Prime Minister Modi has held a conversation with Vietnamese Prime Minister recently and both the leaders discussed the situation and cooperation of each other's in fight against Covid19 pandemic. Earlier to that PM Modi held Conversation with President of Uganda in the same row.

Mauritius PM thanked PM Modi for medical support-

In his thankful note Mauritius PM said 'I am very thankful to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the generous donation of medical supplies from the Government of India which reached Mauritius yesterday, Wednesday, April 15, by a special flight of Air India'. Prime Minister of Mauritius, Pravind Jugnauth joined the leage of other leaders who have thanked Indian Government for their timely support.

India dispatch HCQ & other drugs to Afghanistan

In a series of offerings of critical drugs, India sent 100,000 paracetamol& 500,000 hydroxychloroquine tablets to Afghanistan through Ariana Airlines today. This is in addition to 1st consignment of wheat India shipped earlier to bolster food security said Afghan Envoy Tahir Qadiry.

India supplies Hydroxychloroquine to Russia

On Friday April 17, Russian spokesperson of Russian President said that Russia is grateful to India for decision to supply medicines to fight COVID19. 'We regard this decision of India as an effective step towards implementing agreements on cooperation in the fight against COVID19.'

India dispatches HCQ consignment to Afghanistan-

Ambassador of India to Afghanistan Vinay Kumar today handed over the consignments of 300,000 tablets of hydroxychloroquine and 70,000 tablets of paracetamol tablets to Minister of Public Health Ferozuddin Feroz: Embassy of India, Kabul.

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