Every year, shortly after Navratri and 20 days before Diwali, India celebrates Dussehra, also known as Vijayadashami, with immense fervor. The festival of Dussehra celebrates the triumph of good over evil, specifically Lord Ram's victory over the Lankan monarch Ravana and Goddess Durga's triumph over the demonic Mahishasur. As the auspicious occasion of Dussehra, which falls on October 5 this year, draws near, we have compiled a list of wishes and greetings for you to share with loved ones. Happy Dussehra 2022 greetings, images, quotes, slogans, text, wishes, messages & more details have been listed here.
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On the auspicious festival of Dussehra, burn the effigy of Ravana along with all of your rage, hatred, and ego!
This Dussehra, let's unite to celebrate the triumph of virtue over evil. May you experience love, good fortune, and joy on this auspicious day.
I hope you are able to successfully remove all unfavorable thoughts from your head, just as Lord Ram destroyed evil on Earth. Wishing you a pleasant and blessed Dussehra!
Today serves as a reminder that virtue always prevails over evil in the end. Let's always keep it in mind. Cheers to Dussehra!