Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) has released the Vidyut Sahayak (JE) answer key of online exam 2022. Along with the answer key, objection tracker link has been made available on the official website Candidates who appeared in the GETCO Vidyut Sahayak Junior Engineer (Electrical or Civil) exam can check and download the answer keys and raise objection (if any) on or before January 14, 2022. Further, the result is expected to be declared by January-end.
GETCO conducted the Vidyut Sahayak examination in online mode from from January 04, 2022 to January 07, 2022. The computer-based 120-minute duration examination was reportedly held successfully at the designated centers.
Further, it was reported that the Vidyut Sahayak examination was consisting of 100 questions (including of subject-specific questions) carrying a total 100 marks. The examination was held with negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
After the examination, several educators came up with the Vidyut Sahayak JE exam analysis and unofficial answer keys. However, the solutions were provisional but helped candidates to get a rough idea about their performance in the examination.
Subsequently, GETCO officially released the JE answer key allowing candidates to check officially acknowledged answers. Additionally, if any candidate finds that the answer marked in key is wrong, he or she can raise an objection. Below is the step-by-step process to check the GETCO VS solutions.
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1) Visit the website
2) Click on the Career from the homepage.
3) Scroll down the page and click on Link for Objection Tracker.
4) By doing so, a new page will open.
5) Enter your roll number, date of birth, select date of exam, select batch and enter text shown.
6) Check series code wise answer key and raise objection, if any.
Additionally, a direct link to access the objection tracker page is shared. Those who appeared in the exam can access the same for their reference.
Once the objection tracker window get closed, the corporation would reevaluate the answers given in the objections and thereafter, release a final answer key. The online examination result will be prepared on final answer key. As the examination is conducted in multiple shits, the normalization formula will be implemented to prepare the result. Based on the anticipation, GETCO shall likely declare the result by January end. In case it is not announced, then it shall likely be announced in the first half of February.