With recent Malayalam films failing to create an impact at the Kerala box office, other language films such as 'Vikram' and '777 Charlie' appear to be gaining the lead. According to estimates, Rakshit Shetty's '777 Charlie' has earned around ₹4 crores in Kerala. Overall collections of 777 Charlie have also been very good. Check 777 Charlie box office collection day 15 report here.
Day | Date | India Net Collection |
Day 1 [1st Fri] | June 10 | ₹6.27 Cr |
Day 2 [1st Sat] | June 11 | ₹7.87 Cr |
Day 3 [1st Sun] | June 12 | ₹10.01 Cr |
Day 4 [1st Mon] | June 13 | ₹4.23 Cr |
Day 5 [1st Tue] | June 14 | ₹3.82 Cr |
Day 6 [1st Wed] | June 15 | ₹3.45 Cr |
Day 7 [1st Thu] | June 16 | ₹3.1 Cr |
Day 8 [2nd Fri] | June 17 | ₹3.45 Cr |
Day 9 [2nd Sat] | June 18 | ₹6.8 Cr |
Day 10 [2nd Sun] | June 19 | ₹8.3 Cr |
Day 11 [2nd Mon] | June 20 | ₹2.2 Cr |
Day 12 [2nd Tue] | June 21 | ₹1.8 Cr |
Day 13 [2nd Wed] | June 22 | ₹1.5 Cr |
Day 14 [2nd Thu] | June 23 | ₹1.53 Cr (may earn) |
Day 15 [3rd Fri] | June 24 | ₹1.40 Cr {may earn) |
Overseas | ₹7 Cr (approx) | |
Total | ₹72.73 (approx) |
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The movie follows the story of Dharma, who is stuck in a rut because of his gloomy and lonely lifestyle, and he spends every day in the comfort of his loneliness. A puppy named Charlie enters his life and changes his outlook on it.