Board of Technical Education, Uttar Pradesh (BTEUP) has released the time table of January 2022 odd semester exams on its website Students who are going to appear for BTEUP January 2022 examinations can now check their course-wise and branch-wise time table. According to the proposed time table, the semester 1, 3, and 5 exams for regular, back paper, and the multi-point credit system will start on January 20, 2022.
Students appearing for the January exams can check the exam date, timing, and branch-wise schedule in the time table. A detailed scheme has been published on the official website of the Board of Technical Education, Uttar Pradesh -
According to the proposed examination scheme, the odd semester exams 2022 will take place from 09:00 am to 11:30 am. The time duration to attempt the question paper will be two hours. Students will be given 10 minutes to read the question paper.
It should be noted that the student's exam roll number, exam city, center address, exam guidelines, etcetera, will be intimated through the BTEUP hall ticket.
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According to the past trends, BTEUP shall likely release the hall ticket seven days before the starting of semester exam 2022. Hall tickets will only be released for the students who have filled in their examination forms. To access the hall ticket students will require to enter their login credentials.