Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University (MGR University) has released the time table of Allied Health Science (AHS) UG and Diploma Exams for March and August 2021 sessions. According to the MGR University time table, the exams for UG final year and Diploma years 1, 2, & 3, under ALH BASLP Semester pattern exams will be held in January 2022. Students who fill in the examination applications will be able to download their hall tickets from December 27, 2021, onwards.
The examination application window is open for the students who are eligible and intend to appear for the Allied Health Science exams. Based on the Dr. MGR University schedule dated Dec 09, the exam application form will close on December 24, 2021. Hence, students are required to fill and submit their applications on or before Dec 27.
Once the applications are submitted, the university will issue the exam hall ticket on December 27. Diploma and Undergraduate Allied Health Science semester system examinations will commence on January 05, 2022.
MGR University AHS Exam Time Table January 2022
It should be noted that the university will conduct UG Degree final year exams. For the B.ASLP Semester pattern, the exams will only take place for Semester 5 and 6. While exams for Diploma courses under ALS will be conducted for all years (years 1, 2, and 3). Examinations in pen-paper mode will take place in January 2022.
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The hall tickets will be issued online at the website - tnmgrmu.ac.in. All students using the exam application credentials will be able to check and download their hall tickets. Students have to cross-check the details printed on the hall ticket. In case of any discrepancy or related queries, students may reach out to the concerned authorities for timely correction.
Students must carry their hall tickets to the exam center, otherwise, they will not be provided admission to the examination hall. They have to strictly follow the instruction printed on the hall ticket.