According to sources, the film would gross ₹1.03 crores on Friday, bringing the total to over Rs 16 crore in just eight days. The Ammy Virk, Sargun Mehta, and Nimrat Khaira starrer is projected to cross the ₹20 crore mark by the end of the week.
Day | Date | India Net Collection |
Day 1 [1st Friday] | May 13 | ₹2.25 Cr |
Day 2 [1st Saturday] | May 14 | ₹3.3 Cr |
Day 3 [1st Sunday] | May 15 | ₹4.1 Cr |
Day 4 [1st Monday] | May 16 | ₹1.94 Cr* rough data |
Day 5 [1st Tuesday] | May 17 | ₹1.37 Cr* rough data |
Day 6 [1st Wednesday] | May 18 | ₹1.32 Cr* estimated |
Day 7 [1st Thursday] | May 19 | ₹1.10 Cr* estimated |
Day 9 [1st Friday] | May 20 | ₹1.03 Cr* expected |
Total | ₹16.41 Cr (approx) |
After 'Carry On Jatta' and 'Shadaa,' the movies that did remarkably well over the weekdays, the second Saturday will determine if the picture will emerge as the third biggest Punjabi film or not. Ammy Virk & Sargun Mehta have now become household names among the Punjabi-speaking people worldwide, especially after the success of their romantic film- Qismat (2018).