Uttar Pradesh Government launched Sewayojan Rojgar Mela in February-March is being conducted in various districts. On Feb 15 Rojgar Mela in Gosainganj Lucknow, Fatehpur, Moradabad and Bulandshahr will take place. As per schedule fixed by UP Sewayojan for Rojgar Mela in Uttar Pradesh state, in Feb-March thousands of Interview based jobs to be provided to eligible youth in state. Eligibility for Rojgar mela, Registration at sewayojan.up.nic.in are stated. Candidates are provided details on Uttar Pradesh Rojgar Mela in different districts date wise in February and March 2020. Aspirants can register online for UP Rojgar Mela before appearing in fair. Details on Rojgar Mela Registration / Application/ Eligibility are provided at job fair Portal.
From 15 February to 30 March 2020 Rojgar Mela in Uttar Pradesh several districts is going to take place. Thousands of vacancies through Rojgar Mela to be filled. On 15 Feb at Five places in different districts including Lucknow, Moradabad, Bulandshahr, Fatehpur and Mahoba. On 19 February also 2765 jobs call letter to be offered in Kanpur District.
The Rojgar Mela registration is on for un-employed youth of Uttar Pradesh state. Candidates can register online at Sewayojan for Uttar Pradesh Rojgar Job portal. Aspirants can view Employment fair schedule, eligibility & other details now. To fill 4000 vacancies on direct Interview basis, Rojgar Mela at Sri Sharda Group of Institutions Plot No-677 Management Village Chand Sarai Gosainganj Lucknow to be coordinated. At different centres in four other districts Rojgar Mela will also take place on 15 Feb. On Feb 19, in Kanpur Mega Job Fair at Har Sahai P.G. College, 104/75, P. Road, to take place in Collbration with Regional Employment Exchange, G.T. Road, Kanpur.
How to Register for Rojgar Mela-
To participate in UP Rojgar Mela, job seekers are required to register themselves on the Employment Portal (sewayojan.up.nic.in). Similar to the unemployed candidates, arrangements are made for registration on the Rojgar Mela portal of the employers. After registration, employers upload the vacancies of their Institute on the employment portal. In relation to the above mentioned vacancies, the system generated email will be sent to the unemployed candidates/ job seekers whose profile matches the vacancies uploaded on portal according to their educational qualifications, skills and experience.
Candidates need to apply up to the prescribed number on the basis of ‘First Come First Serve’.
Rojgar Mela in Uttar Pradesh- 15 February 2020
Sri Sharda Group of Institutions Plot No-677 Management Village Chand Sarai Gosainganj Lucknow
Regional Employment Office, Moradabad
Government Industrial Training Institute, ITI Road, Fatehpur
District Employment Office ‚Near Vikas Bhawan‚ Bulandshahr
Major Employment Fair Mega Jobfare State Bir Bhoomi Mahavidyalaya Mahoba
UP Rojgar Mela 19 February
Mega Job Fair at Har Sahai P.G. College, 104/75, P. Road, Kanpur
Rojgar Mela Email, Display of Merit List
The system of displaying the Merit list of applicants on Planner and Admin panel is made on portal. Based on the above list by the employer, the candidates can be shortlisted according to their requirements. Arrangements have been made to invite such sort-listed candidates to participate in Rojgar Mela through e-mail by the concerned employment officer. Organizing employment fairs will be edited by the district level committee concerned. View Rojgar Mela Sewayojan Portal
After selection, the employer will make the list of selected candidates available to the concerned employment officer, which will be uploaded on the Rojgar Mela portal.
Website of the UP Rojgar Mela Portal- www.sewayojan.up.nic.in