UBTE JEEP Result 2020: Uttarakhand Polytechnic Entrance Rank Card released at ubtejeep.in

Uttarakhand Board of Technical Education has declared UK Polytechnic entrance test 2020 result. UBTE on Wednesday declares UBTE JEEP (Polytechnic) rank card at web site- ubtejeep.in. Here is how to check Uttarakhand Polytechnic Result, rank card and counseling schedule explained.

By Rohit Sindhu, Updated : Sep 30, 2020 10:29 IST
Uttarakhand Polytechnic Entrance result- Demonstrative image

Uttarakhand Board of Technical Education (UBTE), Joint Entrance Examination has declared Polytechnic entrance test result 2020. Board declares the result and rank card of candidates appeared for the UBTER JEEP 2020, held on September 20 and 21. Candidates can check Uttarakhand Polytechnic entrance test result and rank cards using the Roll No, Gender, Category and Group from web site www.ubtejeep.in.

Taking to its website ubtejeep.in, Uttrakhand Board of Technical Education Roorkee (UBTER) declares the rank card for the UBTE JEEP 2020 organized in September 2020. Concerned who have appeared for the Polytechnic entrance exams can check the respective result, rank card and counseling eligibility on the web site ubtejeep.in or ubter.in.

Earlier, UBTE organized the Polytechnic Entrance exam on September 20 and 21, 2020 following the social distancing norms. The Polytechnic entrance test was organized for admissions into first year of Engineering and Non-Engineering Diploma courses in Uttarakhand state govt and private Polytechnic institutes. Candidates can check the UK Polytechnic result from UBTER JEEP portal for Engineering, Hotel Management, Office Management and other courses. Earlier with an aim to help candidates to assess their performance in entrance test, board released the answer key. Here is direct link facilitated to candidates to view Uttarakhand Polytechnic entrance test 2020 Score Card/ UBTER JEEP Result.

After the announcement of Polytechnic rank card, the candidates are shortlisted on the basis of performance in the Entrance test 2020. Shortlisted candidates on rank basis, will be eligible to register for the Counseling. Only candidates qualify the JEEP would be eligible to participate in the UBTE Polytechnic Counselling 2020.

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The candidates would be allowed to choose the subject and the institute in the counselling process. The Board to conduct online counselling and initiate Choice filling/ locking process for Counseling purpose, in October.

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