Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) is set to declare results of Police Constable, Fireman, and Jail Warder examination, held on 13 December. Nodal board shall display a list of candidates qualified in TNUSRB Constable examination followed by schedule of Physical Efficiency Test (PET).
According to an official "Board has released Answer key which will help preparation of result, after geting finalization. The result date is likely to be finalized as final answer key gets prepared. The key will clear the way ahead for the result".
Candidates who have appeared for the TNUSRB 13 December held examination for the post of Police Constable, Jail Prahari, and Fireman can check the availability of the examination result. An intimation regarding Cut-off marks and Physical test schedule will be released at official site tnusrbonline.org, official adds.
The omr based written exam was conducted at allotted centres across the state of Tamil Nadu. Concluding the TNUSRB Police Constable examination on 13 December 2020 for recruitment against 10,908 posts of Police Constable, Jail Warder, and Fireman in Police Department.
Should Read- TNUSRB Police Constable Answer Key, Paper Analysis of 13 Dec exam
Board on 15 December published officially the provisional Answer key for Common Recruitment of Gr 2 Police Constable, Gr II Jail Warder, and Fireman 2020 examination. The OMR based written exam was consisted of a total 80 questions, each carrying equal and one mark.
To determine the result, Board would consider final answer-key as criteria and to enlist candidates scoring equal or more than cut-off marks for respectie category. Out of total 80 marks, cut-off would be prepared for UR, OBC, SC, ST, PwD and ESM categories.