RRR, S Rajamouli's much anticipated period piece, opens in theatres today, Friday. Jr NTR and Ram Charan feature in the magnum opus, which brings together two of Telugu cinema's biggest performers. Fans are delighted to see both of the renowned actors together, as well as to see what Rajamouli has up his sleeve this time around. Five years after releasing Baahubali 2, the director is releasing a new film. With expectations at their peak, pundits predict that RRR will have a tremendous opening day box office collection.
According to reports, the international box office opening weekend might be in the range of Rs 200 to Rs 250 crores. The Telugu box office will undoubtedly contribute the most to the opening day box office collections, while international collections will accelerate the collection.
Day 1 (Fri) | March 25 | ₹124.7 Cr |
₹₹124.7 (expected) |
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The producers predict a ₹100 crore gross opening in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana alone. Ticket prices have risen, with fan shows now costing between ₹500 and Rs ₹1000. Even the governments of both states have allowed theatres to raise ticket prices for shows in multiplexes and single screens, with prices exceeding ₹400. This weekend, RRR is showing in around 95% of the theatres in southern states. As a result, RRR's inaugural day is estimated to generate between ₹100 and ₹110 crores.