Controller of Examination, University of Jammu has announced Undergraduate BA, BSc, BCom, BBA, BCA courses results at web site. Jammu University on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 declared the 6th Semester result of UG courses examinations 2018. Students who have appeared for the UG B.A / B.Sc / B.Com/ B.B.A/ B.CA/ B.Com (H)/ B.A Eng (H) 6th Semester Examination 2020 can check their respective results using Roll Number, Name & Registration number.
After the Wednesday's announcement, students can check the University of Jammu results for Semester VI examinations 2018. Using the Name / Roll Number a student can check his/ her result remark at web site
Earlier the Semester Vlth examination were held in April / May 2020. After finishing the evaluation process of UG Semester 6, Theory/ Practical examinations University declares the result of candidate/s on December 16, 2020.
Here is the direct link to check the Jammu University UG results 2020. Instructions are also facilitated to view the Jammu University UG result 2020.
How to check Jammu University 6th Semester result 2020-
Read- NTA DUET Result 2020 Declared
Jammu University on December 16, 2020 publishes the two consecutive result notices i.e Notification No.112 & 113 of B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com/ BBA/ BCA/ BA Eng (H) / BA (H) Vlth Semester Examination (April/ May) 2018. The announcement enables the students to view their final results online at web site-