Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has announced the final results of the Assistant Lineman (ALM) of Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited. A list containing roll numbers of the candidates named in Merit List and Waiting List has been published at hssc.gov.in. Candidates who have appeared for the HSSC ALM exam held on 14 March 2020, can check their results, merit list and waiting list at www.hssc.gov.in.
As many as 82 candidates from General Category, 30 candidates from SC, 25 from BCA, 15 from BCB, 14 from General ESM, 04 from ESM SC, 05 from ESM BCB, and 07 from the ESM HH category have been listed for Merit. The merit list is prepared against a total of 183 posts of Assistant Lineman of DHBVNL, Haryana.
Haryana Staff Selection Commission had conducted the written examination on March 14, 2020, for the post of Assistant Lineman (ALM) against advt no-15/2019, category no-02. The examination was conducted successfully in two shifts at the examination centres in the state of Haryana.
A list of candidates who have been listed for merit and waiting is as follows- Merit/Waiting list.
To check the ALM final results candidates can follow the instruction given.
1) Visit the website of the Haryana Staff Selection Commission at hssc.gov.in
2) At homepage, click on 'Results'
3) In a new window click on the tab that reads '11/2019- Final Result for the post of Assistant LIneman (ALM) Cat. No. 02'
4) Check your roll number in the merit/waiting list.
5) Save the result file in pdf format and read the instructions given.
Should Read- Haryana One Time Registration Portal CET Registration Details
According to the result notice, the result of the ESP Category will be declared later on. "While every care has been taken in preparing and uploading the result, the possibility of inadvertent/technical errors cannot be ruled out. The Commission reserves the right to rectify the same later on", the notice adds.