In Punjab, Eight Nanded pilgrims returned from Nanded Pilgrims in Maharashtra are found to be Corona positive. Of these, 5 are from Tarn Taran district while three are from Phagwara in Kapurthala. The Punjab government has sent 80 buses to bring the stranded devotees to Nanded which can reach Punjab in four days. Punjab is anticipated to witness a spike within the number of coronavirus cases within the state as eight pilgrims who returned from Nanded in Maharashtra Sunday have tested positive. Over 3,200 pilgrims had been stuck for over a month in Nanded in Maharashtra where they'd gone to pay obeisance at Gurdwara Hazur Sahib and been cohabitation at the shrine complex.
8 devotees who returned to Punjab from Nanded in Maharashtra are shocked to seek out Coronavirus in Punjab. Till now, 5 Corona patients have also appeared in the Tarn Taran district included within the Green Zone. Tarn Taran failed to have one corona patient till now. it's feared that everyone these pilgrims (Nanded Pilgrims) have returned to Punjab from their respective vehicles. seeable of the increasing danger of corona, the Punjab government has decided to conduct a corona test of each person coming from outside. except for this, they'll even have to remain within the government quarantine for 14 days. To bring back the pilgrims, the Punjab government has sent 80 luxury buses that have left for Punjab on Monday evening.
the 8 corona patients arriving from Nanded from Kapurthala, 3 from Taran Taran, five are from Sursingh village in Taran Taran while three are from Phagwara in Kapurthala. The pilgrims who returned from Nanded in Tarn Taran were also screened at Sursingh Hospital and failed to have any symptoms. The administration has declared Sursingh village and Lahuka as containment zones. Here the entry and exit points are sealed. Deputy Commissioner Pradeep Sabarwal said that the administration is making arrangements for the treatment of the patients furthermore as whom they came in touch with is being ascertained.
80 luxury buses carrying Sikh devotees by the Punjab government have left from Nanded on Monday. The bus includes a capacity to seat 52 passengers but following social distancing, only 35 passengers were accommodated in one bus. The bus is being escorted by Punjab policemen and transport officers. All the pilgrims will reach 14 different places from Punjab in 4 days. Most of the devotees had come to participate within the Hola Mohalla festival in Nanded. All of them were stranded within the city for a month and also the passengers were staying within the residence.
Read Also: NITI Aayog Officer Tests Corona Positive