Siddharth Shukla and Shehnaaz Gill are the most known faces from Colors hottest show Bigg Boss 13. Both are coming together to cherish their love in yet another Colors show Shandaar Ravivaar hosted by Bharti Singh and Maniesh Paul. makers will never lose an opportunity to bring them together to entertain viewers. Obviously, the audience waits for the cute couple from Bigg Boss 13 altogether.
Currently, Siddharth Shukla entertains the audience as a Senior in Bigg Boss 14. Shandaar Ravivaar comes with the joy of festivities like Navratri and Diwali, Colors manages to bring something extravagant for the viewers. Rashmi Desai, Siddharth Shukla, Shehnaaz Gill perform to flourish the memories of Big Boss 13 charm. you can witness all the drama and fun only on Voot select.
Shehnaaz will perform on songs like Wakhra Swag, and other Punjabi songs. It would be a treat to watch this couple all together for the Sidnaaz fan. In earlier seasons of Bigg Boss, it can be witnessed that Shehnaaz and Siddharth have some chemistry that is loved by the fans as well. On the other hand, Rashmi Desai and Siddharth had a big fight and tore each other’s past.
But now, it seems to have a good vibe, as we can imagine that the trio is performing on the Color's new show Shandaar Ravivaar. The comedy element will be Maniesh paul and Bharti Singh. Amidst of pandemic, Colors' brings a show to lighten the mood named Shandaar Ravivaar.
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Siddharth Shukla is having a great time in Bigg Boss 14 speculating that there is good bonding with Nikki Tamboli. Shehnaaz Gill is busy in her music videos with Jassie Gill, people are missing this Sidnaaz Jodi. The cute little moments which made fans go Awww are still missing. It would be great to see them both in sizzling chemistry. You can watch this amazing Jodi on Voot.